Top Tier’s Holiday Shopping Guide 2015

The team at Top Tier knows how stressful the holidays can be, especially hunting for that perfect gift. To ease your holiday season grief, we have handpicked a few of our favorite products from different retail categories including entertainment, fashion, creative, food, health, fashion and, of course, toys. Still haven’t found what you’re looking for?…

Venture Capital in Israel – The Top Tier Perspective

At Top Tier Capital Partners (TTCP), we seek to invest in the best venture capital managers throughout the world. While assessing our portfolio weighting, whether by sector or geography, the team at Top Tier evaluates the risks associated with each of our managers, from market dynamics to personnel changes. Historically we have not invested directly…

Top Tier’s Top Security Tips

Cybersecurity is making headlines, but not for the right reasons. Cybersecurity as a sector continues to heat up alongside consumer’s growing dependence on devices and the growth of the Internet of Things. The latest hacks on Anthem and Target (to name a few) have shown that hacking has evolved from the teenager attempting to modify…

Revenue Multiples Are Declining

Over the last 12 months, we have been vocal on our opinions of the market, especially regarding the current trend of “private IPOs” and the fear that venture capital is in another bubble. As we have stated in the past, Top Tier does not believe we are in a bubble like we were 15 years…

An On Demand Day

‘Mobile is eating the world’ is an adage made popular by Andreessen Horowitz partner Benedict Evans, who iterated on Marc Andreessen’s popular insight that ‘Software is eating the world.’ What Evans is insinuating is that mobile has been a bridge for technology to reach everyone in the world, not just those in the technology industry.…

The Inequity of In-Kind Distributions

As investment professionals we were attracted to venture capital years ago and we were inspired by the potential to make outsized returns alongside some of the smartest and most entrepreneurial investors in the world. For the right to do so, however, we agree to be locked up for at least ten years and pay handsome…

Sidecar Funds: Good, Bad, or Indifferent?

In the wake of growing valuations and escalating deal sizes, we are seeing an increase in the number of sidecar, annex, or special opportunity funds being raised by VCs. From 2007 to 2010, only two of our underlying managers raised sidecar vehicles, but since 2011, we have been asked to participate in nine sidecar vehicles…

2014 Holiday Shopping Guide

As the holidays rapidly approach, the team at Top Tier Capital Partners (“TTCP”) would like to share with you gift ideas from our portfolio. Some are more expensive than others, so shop carefully! In 2014, we saw a noticeable increase in gadgets and service companies. As part of our due diligence, several of these products…